Valor Series

Become a Man of Godly Character

Men need Strength that comes from God alone, the kind of strength He gave men like Gideon—who lived at a time when everyone did what was right in their own eyes—David and his band of mighty men, and Jesus’ early church followers!

Men need Courage to stand strong in these challenging times. We live in a world deeply affected by the evil one (see 1 Peter 5:8), and “all it takes for evil to flourish is good men to stand by and do nothing.” This world needs courageous warriors!

Men need Passion to live in light of the fact that the God of the universe chose us to be His children, called us to be kingdom men, and enables us to passionately live like Jesus and advance His Gospel where we live, work, and play through the generations!

How to Use the Valor Series

We’ve created this Bible study series especially to help men become the “mighty men of valor” God sees them as and is helping them become.

You’ll be guided on this journey by men from Scripture as well as church history and the present day who will serve as mentors of godly strength, courage, and passion.

You’ll also journey deep into the “living and active” Word of God (Hebrews 4:12), which He will use to shape you in this process.

These studies can be used in three essential ways:

  • Use these studies as a daily devotional. We strongly encourage every man to take time out for a daily meeting—or appointment—with God.
  • Work through these studies with another man. Think of this as walking “Side-by-Side,” meeting weekly for mutual growth, support, and accountability.
  • Connect with other men in a triad or small-group setting. Think of Jesus, who invested in a small group of 12 men, guiding them on the spiritual journey.

This three-book Bible study series is readily available online. (Use the links above.)

In addition, we are also making each available as a free download PDF, which is especially helpful as you consider using these Bible studies as described above. In particular, we recommend that you consider ordering, or printing, multiple copies to launch or support a disciple-making ministry to men.